An Introduction
I would like to introduce you to the company and provide a summary of our history.
A wholly Australian owned and operated company we moved to Brisbane, Queensland in 2003 after 10 years based in Perth, Western Australia. The company was formed in 1993 and has since contributed to the success of some of Australia’s largest Mining and Minerals Processing projects plus significant improvements to business processes and systems for Mining and Non-Mining organisations.
We believe in designing "fit for purpose" solutions using the latest proven technologies. Senior CGTS personnel have project and operational experience with 35+ years of industrial experience, ranging from HV electrical distribution through to the delicate art of process control, from all types of design and operational systems such as 2D and 3D CAD, business systems such as Procurement and Document Management through to ERP and RISK systems. Consequently close attention is paid to operability, reliability and maintainability during the solution design phase.
CGTS also have access to Electrical, Instrument, Mechanical, Civil, Process and Control system engineers along with CAD, Drafting, Secretarial and Management personnel.
I welcome the opportunity to further discuss how CGTS may contribute to your business needs.
Please do not hesitate to call me directly if you feel CGTS may help your company in any future endeavours.
Colin Green
Managing Director